The creation of pictograms is an important exercise especially if it’s part of a system. Unlike logos, pictograms work better in groups and quantities which but challenging because each variation has to show relation to one another and similarities in terms of weight, characteristics, aesthetic, and appearances in order to work as a system. Additionally, as abstract as they can be, they must be easily recognized from afar, simple but detailed. I made several test, with trial and errors until I arrived at a working system complete with unity and relationship. By creating a consistent formula and developing a rule to create each, I was able to make pictograms universally related to each other, perfectly and suitably well.
Basically, at first, I studied and looked at successful designs of pictograms many are used in Olympic Games. After learning the theories, I started applying it in each pictograms and they’ve gone through multiple iterations, from detailed sketches translated into digital, then into monolines and further abstracted into simplified forms. The next stage is putting them within a grid in which to apply the aesthetic I developed for it. The image is broken down into and measured down using geometrical shapes, to improve and simply the edges even further. The end result is a pictogram perfect in measurement and form.
The rounded corners improved the shape of each pictograms as well as its appearance. Giving it a smooth fidelity. The consistent negative linear details helped to give each pictograms a simplified but detailed looked. Finally, with the use of the same grid, it made sure that each share the same commonalities.