Telling a story using a single picture is a great challenge. Just like in typical movie posters, Certain subject has to be used as a device to drive the story within the printed media, where the viewer can connect and juggle their own imagination from. I told the legend and story of Joan d’ Arc in a classic cinematic way using a design concept inspired by movies and medieval themes. In this approach, I was able to deliver her story in an epic and cinematic way to maintain and stay true to her regal character.
I devised some elements in the poster including her name and a sword as the main focal point and subject matter to illustrate a war battle scene - the kind of sword that Joan of Arc would be wielding in a battle. I added a premise of her story - as indicated in the brief - and also worked in the benefit of the concept of the poster. Lastly, with the help of special effects elements like fire and particles, made the whole look filmic.
I experimented with fabrics combined with illustrations to create a sense of cinematic feel. I then put her name as the title and became a logotype that have ecclesiastical structures together with the blackletter text with an illuminated layout that conform to the arc of the story. As one would picture, the entirety of the poster is like a screenshot from a film taken in above perspective on the battle ground. Overall, the poster functions like a kingdom decree detailing an epic and theatrical story.