As part of project “Netsomnia”, Phonecrib is a concept designed to prevent users from using their phones during bedtime. It is a smart charging pod that also disables devices from sending notifications - except emergency calls - and leave it at a temporary sleep state. Locked and confined within a glass coffer space, programmed to unlock within a certain period - wake up alarm or scheduled timeframe. It is a way for “netsomniac” users to control their media addictions and moderate their need to scroll during their intended bedtime. This part of the project is also a response to the growing number of sleep apps that allows people to use their phone to meditate and fall asleep. However, the concept is highly counter productive due to the fact that people are still enticed to use their phone at night with no limitations and moderation. With a simple idea elevated and developed into a prototype, this product is a plausible solution to controlling bedtime phoneuse. Therefore, improving sleep deprivation and sleep distractions.
The design of the smart pod is modelled from smartphones in order to house them within a space that is user friendly, device compatible, and portable. Using measurements and device research, I first created a vector model complete with hinge mechanism and a flat design that is intended to be easily opened and closed at a laid down position. I then translated the flat vectors into a realistically rendered 3D modelled prototype. I also conducted material research and applied it onto a 3D printed model.
The model’s simple design is accommodating for various smartphone models. The smooth and seamless outer casing should be made of a matte finished material that is both eco-friendly and temperature-ready maintaining and comforting devices. The transparent material that envelops the device allows for a proprietary design that facilitates the programable device and provides great protection. At its best fit, Phonecrib proves to be an essential device that can help moderate and maintain a healthy sleeping habit for the user and their device.