Introducing a novelty and localized drink to the international customer scene has often have a high standard because unknown flavours does not often appeal at first. It is important to introduce the product with its origins and cultural background to both foreign consumers and those who are familiar with it in order to attract and entice them by showing a sense of familiarity to it. That way it becomes appealing and inviting. Through determining some elements that represent the flavour’s background origin, I came up with a design concept that uses accents specifically addresses the authenticity of Filipino rice coffee. While also essentially adhering and maintaining a connection within the Starbucks drink brand. This in turn provides connection to both the local and foreign consumer.
Rice coffee is a popular novelty in remote provinces from the Philippines. I used the theme, “Farmer life” as my first step. I incorporated recognizable filipino objects like the “banig/ikamen (straw mat), wooden spoon and cup to represent the country as well as banana leaves to give it a fresh, countryside look. Then added detail accents of white and charred rice as to show the state and process of the coffee flavour. The brand new flavour is given a sense of belonging and story for the foreign setting and becomes an authentic addition on its own.
With the colour palette, illustrations, and detailed design elements all come together to set the whole scene introducing or reintroducing a familiar taste and enticing new tounges to try on. Hence, the main focus of the project is to target both pinoy - who are familiar with the product - and international consumers who are getting introduced with the product for the very first time. The logotype “Philippines” is a takeaway for the audience that this is a poster selling an imported product.