Improving a self-therapy book’s cover to be more inviting to its target readers is a must have task. The cover’s aim is to introduce the book as a helpful companion for people who have a hard time with peace and closures in their life. A book that could assist them into moving on. With careful understanding of the book’s objective and contents, I used psychological design theories to help bring out these elements out for people to see as well as improving the book’s current outdated cover. After presenting a series of cover tests, I ended up with a design depicting the self-therapy book as an inviting and accommodating piece of literature that do nothing but help people.
The first task is making the title expressive, so I went on to research the best typeface for it to work. I looked at serif based type that are perfect for long form reading, especially that a self therapy book must be soothing in the eye and easy on the emotion. I also changed the layout of the folios to bring in a more organized and suitable body copy. Finally, I changed the whole appearance of the book with a colour that is comforting to absorb. Further improving the book’s impression as mental health driven.
The slanted title lets the book define and identify its target readers. While the chosen typeface is a choice made to allow the reader to be carried along the book with ease and care improving reading experience. After many careful iterations, I've arrived to use an aqua blue-green colour palette that veils the whole book into one. Together with the touches of yellow palette, appropriates it as a therapy reading that appeals in the mourning eyes and broken heart. Basically, what the entire design element does, is to help the book present itself to potential readers, with complete confidence to guarantee that it can help them.